Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A New Landing Pad

I've moved into the big leagues.  I've jumped in and moved to my own website.  Previously l had a blog on Blogger.  Which was great, don't get me wrong.  The reason l changed is because l wanted to have a website that was all my own without a tag after the blog name.

I am such a newbie at website admin, so without a doubt this will be a learning experience.  I hope it won't be too painful, for you or me.  I chose Hostgator because of the good things l heard about it.  I chose my web name because l will be travelling in Tin Cans.  Not the 'pork and beans' kind, but by planes, with my job, and hopefully sooner rather then later, by van (which isn't yet purchased), it is a solid idea in my mind, l know what l want, and how l want it to look on the inside.  And l certainly know that l want to "get the hell out of Dodge".

I have been fighting the urge to travel serendipitously for a while.  The seed was planted when l was young.  My Mom and Dad after a few wobbly pops would pull out the Atlas open the big white Britannica book (yes folks, l am old enough to have experienced knowledge coming from an encyclopedia printed on paper), and point to where we would travel when they sold everything and bought an RV.  Always they were going to start selling everything in the morning.

Going to bed after that conversation for an eleven year old was like going to bed on Christmas eve.  It would take a long time to fall asleep because of all the visions of travel dancing through my head.

Unfortunately when morning came, it was like the conversation never happened.  I was crushed.  Of course, it happened a couple of times before l realised it was the alcohol talking, and there wasn't going to be any follow through.

This will be a record of my journey.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as l enjoy living it.

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